I would be honored to start our Thanksgiving thread ........
I am so very thankful for my God....the one and only reason I am here sharing thoughts with you today. I am thankful for my health so that I can be the best I can be in service for others. I am so very thankful for all the love in my life. It makes me the richest woman alive......allowing me all the wonderful joy and light anyone could ever ask for. I am thankful for all the wonderful opportunities I have been given. With them, I have been blessed with learning and growth....
Awwwww…… I could go on and on.......... BUT, it's your turn!!!!!
Who's next...... come on... don't be shy... :-)
I am thankful for this opportunity to let you know what I am thankful for - I also must start with my Heavenly Father and my Saviour Jesus Christ who love me unconditinaly and bless me every day even the ones when I am not so deserving. My family, each and every one,and the inspiration they are to me. My friends far and near that love and support me thru thick and thin, the challenges that allow me to grow, the peaceful moments to reflect - the fun and laughter and love from and for my grandchildren - and I'll stop with my faith to believe in today and hope for tomorrow. Happy Thanksgving everyone!